By Richie C
Obat tradisional kolesterol If you have a better idea of what cholesterol is and how you can manage in your life, this information will lead to better heart health and better all-round feeling of well-being. Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that is found in the walls of the cells of your body all, of your nervous system to your heart and in your blood stream as well. Your body uses cholesterol to make hormones needed, bile acids, vitamin D and other essential substances that your body needs to survive. There are good and bad types of cholesterol as well as
Cholesterol in the body from where you come from?
Your body manufacturers of all the cholesterol your body needs from the foods you eat. This cholesterol will circulate in your bloodstream in packages called lipoproteins, which consists of fat and protein in the outside. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that does not mix with the blood, such as oil does not mix with water. Your blood carries to the part of the body where it is needed as mentioned above
Your body has two type of cholesterol in your body, both good and bad!.
Your body carries two types of cholesterol is one that is good for your health and the other bad … this is known as low density lipoprotein or LDL is the bad cholesterol that carries cholesterol which accumulate in the tissues of your body including your heart arteries. Most of the cholesterol in your blood at any given time is the LDL cholesterol. The higher the levels of LDL cholesterol in your blood stream; the higher the danger of you contracting heart disease. So remember LDL is bad cholesterol and you do not want this kind of high level in your body.
The good cholesterol in your body called HDL cholesterol. This cholesterol carries cholesterol from your network to your liver where it is harmless removed from your body with natural secretions. Low levels of HDL increase heart disease. A healthy level of HDL is good for you. Do not interfere between them.
Why a high level of LDL cholesterol is bad for your body?
Too much cholesterol in your blood leading to blocked and clogged tissues including the arteries of your heart. This build up is called plaque and as a result of your arteries become less flexible. You may have heard the term atherosclerosis; the hardening of your arteries and as you know the end result can be a heart attack. It is not only your heart blood vessels which can suffer from too much cholesterol, but one of the arteries in your body as well. If your coronary arteries clogged by too much plaque you will suffer from angina due to blood not being able to get the needed oxygen or nutrients to the heart muscle. Hardening of the coronary arteries is called coronary heart disease that you may probably now have heard somewhere or the other. Became a common form of heart disease in the western world because of high cholesterol in the blood; Yes; and you guessed it; from unhealthy eating habits!
Risk factors.
There are certain risk factors that can be done about about heart disease and cholesterol levels. These factors which increase the risk of heart disease, the age group for men and women over 45, the age that will increase the likelihood of coronary heart disease from atherosclerosis. Family history of premature heart disease is also a factor that must be considered. Lack of regular exercise and poor eating habits increase the risk of heart disease than cholesterol as well. Most fast food prepared unhealthy fats that are high risk factors more than anything else …
How to lower your risk of high cholesterol.
Perhaps you have heard some of these tips before, but it is wise to leave them again for your information:
1 Avoid foods with a high content of animal fat. Trim excess fat from meat
2. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and fiber for your health
3. Eat less salt in your diet and limit salty snacks and food.
4. Lose weight if you are carrying too much according to your BMI (Body Mass Index)
5. Exercise regularly in sensible moderation and lots of fresh air.
6. Stay calm and avoid stressful situations.
7. Limit your alcohol intake to a reasonable rate.
8. Smoke less, or give up altogether if possible.
Other treatments that can be used if your doctor has discovered you have unhealthy cholesterol levels of certain drugs called ‘statins’ which will control the rate that your body produces cholesterol. This drug raises HDL and lowers LDL cholesterol. See above about what we mentioned about the good and bad cholesterol.
Watching your diet and eat healthy
Choose healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado pears, peanut butter, fresh and fish oil. Try and limit the intake of salt, polyunsaturated fats, sunflower oil, soft margarine and salad dressings such as mayonnaise. (Some low-cholesterol margarine new software available on the market that are completely safe to use today though).
Watch out especially to avoid eating too much animal fat in meat, eat less eggs, cheese, fatty meats, butter, and ice cream and of course pick up the food. Of course you can eat any of the above as long as you make sense of it. Everyone tells you to eat more fiber, and now with this suggestion should be given. If you do not eat enough vegetables or fresh vegetables then take several types of antioxidants or supplements. Reduce alcohol to one or two glasses a day.
There are some great suggestions and diet has been designed to help people with high cholesterol reducing high levels. With a little research you will find the right way to control your cholesterol.
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